Today the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay came to Wood Green (day 68 of the relay). Luckily it was passing the end of the road at 5.45pm so it was really simple to give the children dinner and load them into the Phil & Ted’s to walk the short distance.
It was still really hot and we were surprised to see so many people lining Lordship Lane. The toddler was excited about the police motorbike riders although didn’t really understand what the huge lorries or vans full of people were doing.
The torch came past really quickly but we all got a good look, except for Little Sis who was fast asleep!
Oh I would have gone but I thought the streets would be WEDGED as I was at Ally Pally on Monday and they told me that they were expecting 25k people x
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It was really crowded but the atmosphere was amazing. You should have come over and we could have watched it together! I think they had double the number they were expecting 🙂
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