Learning about minibeasts!

By | April 25, 2014

Big Brother is learning all about minibeasts this term at nursery. He’s been having a great time discovering different bugs and their life cycles. His nursery is amazing and there have been lots of different activities to help him explore the subject.

Learning Resources offered us the chance to review some new products from their Science range called GeoSafari Jr. which include a fun Underwater Explorer Boat, Talking Bug Net, BugWatch and Bugnoculars – perfect for my little bug explorer! We chose the BugWatch and the Talking Bug Net and wanted to share our fun with you!

We were able to play with BugWatch straight away. The set contained tweezers, three different sized plastic pots for catching bugs and a double viewer so you can see bugs from above and below. The weather has been lovely recently so we’ve spent lots of time in our garden looking for bugs. The tweezers are great for developing fine motor skills and my son has been picking up small insects and placing them in the pots to keep them safe. When you are ready you can transfer your insect or flower to the magnifier to examine it.

bugwatch magnifier

We’ve also been trying out the Talking Bug Net which tells you 60 fascinating facts about 6 insects. You place an insect in the net and it automatically identifies the bug, provides facts about it and ask you questions! The 6 insects included are a Ladybird, Butterfly, Spider, Bee, Grasshopper and Flying Mantis. The insects are really chunky and quite detailed so my son has been enjoying the chance to play with them and look at them in more detail.

bug catching

The Bug Net is simple to use (it does require 3 AAA batteries) with two sound levels and was quickly mastered by my 4 year old. He preferred the quiz mode but the fun facts are perfect for learning more about each insect. The voice reminds me of Dick van Dyke when he was playing Bert in Mary Poppins but it’s not an annoying voice at all!

The Big Watch Magnifier costs £17.94, the Talking Bug Net costs £29.94. Both are suitable for ages 4-8 and are great for learning at home and exploring the outdoor world. More information about the GeoSafari Jr. range from Learning Resources can be found on their website.

26 thoughts on “Learning about minibeasts!

  1. Jo Bryan

    My son adored bug hunting and I did as a child. My daughter was never so keen. With summer coming up, your son will love it. The talking net is a clever way to get extra info about the insects. He looks so absorbed in the fun!
    Jo Bryan recently posted..Freebie Friday 25/04My Profile

  2. Lisa Prince (@BEAUTY_IIAO)

    We were doing the same thing over the eastr weekend , entertained the kids all weekend too x

  3. Louisa

    What great products. My children all love bug hunts so would get a lot of fun out of these.
    Louisa recently posted..RelocationMy Profile

  4. Vikki Holness

    Oh this is super! We live next door to some woodland and get all manner of creepy crawlies in our garden so this would be the perfect gift for my eldest! Thanks for sharing xxx
    Vikki Holness recently posted..Harry: 9 Month UpdateMy Profile

  5. Kara

    I really want to go on a mini-beast hunt, but organised by someone else as i hate the things lol

  6. Lori

    F loves hunting for bugs so I think he would love the Bug Net, he could add it to his explorer pack. x
    Lori recently posted..17/52My Profile

  7. VaiChin @ RamblingThroughParenthood

    We love wandering around the garden looking for and identifying mini beasts. A great way to learn and bond with nature.
    VaiChin @ RamblingThroughParenthood recently posted..Sunday 27/04/2014My Profile


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