Breaking the Silence

By | August 17, 2014

A Quality of Life study, conducted by new Always Discreet, reveals an astonishing one in three women in the UK over the age of 18 are affected by Adult Incontinence (AI). Always Discreet recently launched their research as part of a campaign to drive awareness of this taboo health issue.

The study reveals that of the estimated 12 million women in Britain who experience the previously ‘unspoken’ condition, over half (51%) have struggled with depression, 48% regularly feel bad about themselves and two thirds (65%) feel embarrassed.

The research also goes on to reveal the physical impact of the condition:

–          Two thirds (61%) of women experiencing bladder sensitivity are likely to suffer from disturbed sleep patterns
–          Almost all (94%) feel exhausted by a condition that many still feel they have to keep hidden from their partners, families and friends.
–          43% of women experience urinary loss when they are physically active or exercising and as a result, 18% never exercise
–          Over a quarter (27%) avoid using public transport, this means that everything from the daily commute, to a weekend away is a huge problem. That’s 3 million women in the UK being physically restricted by where they go and how they get there.

Tips & Tricks from practising GP and Always Discreet Ambassador Dr Sarah Jarvis on taking care of your sensitive bladder


Low impact sports such as cycling, yoga or Nordic walking are ideal activities to keep you fit without affecting your sensitive bladder condition.


Abdominal workouts like sit ups, crunches or plank kicks place a lot of pressure on your pelvic floor. Opt for alternative exercises where breathing or your position supports your pelvic floor. Pelvic floor exercises and targeted Pilates and yoga exercises can be particularly helpful.


By practicing at least three times a day, these exercises can help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and give you more control when you need it. If you’re not sure how to do them, speak to your doctor or visit


There’s no need to avoid drinking in order to reduce the urge to visit the bathroom. Limiting your water intake makes your urine more concentrated, which boost your chances of bladder irritation.

Keep hydrated.


Lifting heavy objects is really bad for the pelvic floor … and your back. It’s best to ask for help from those around you.


Caffeine, alcohol and fizzy drinks could be your new worst enemies. So try limiting those coffees, teas and carbonated beverages for a week or two to see if it helps – they can irritate a sensitive bladder.


Your bladder is trainable: if you’re troubled by needing to pass water very often and needing to rush to the toilet, talk with your doctor about a daily schedule to build up your bladder’s holding capacity. Remember; allow your bladder to empty completely each time you go to the toilet.


Wear a product that has the right protection for you. The innovative design of New Always Discreet line –up is tailored to fit the needs of all women with a sensitive bladder


*This post is in association with Always Discreet

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