Mini or maxi?

By | June 18, 2012

Way back when Littl Sis was born we bought a Bugaboo buggy board for the Bugaboo Chameleon thinking the toddler would love it and he did. Unfortunately the Bugaboo died and rather than start replacing expensive bits of kit we thought we’d try a buggy board on my beloved Mamas and Papas Voyage.

mini or maxi

Little Sis gets to experience a great view of Ally Pally but Big Brother just gets to see the top of the buggy!

We bought the Lascal Mini and it was really easy to fit, it even has a little strap to keep it out of the way when not in use. BB has taken to it really well but it de-stabilises the buggy! It puts all the weight on the back so I have to be careful not to let the buggy tip up, especially when going down hills (which is unfortunate as we have to go up and down one of the steepest roads in north London).

Luckily the journey to nursery, which is when we use the buggy and buggy board, only happens twice a week and it’s really useful when we don’t want to take the Phil & Ted’s out.

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