Giveaway: Disney’s Club Penguin sticker album

By | July 5, 2012

We were recently sent two Club Penguin sticker album starter packs – including a sticker album and 3 sticker packs. Unfortunately my children are too young so I thought I would offer them up as a giveaway.

Each album can contain 204 stickers, including 36 specially designed glitter stickers, all produced by Panini UK.  Sticker packs, containing five stickers, are priced at 50p each.

As with all Club Penguin toys, books, videogames, apps and the Disney Club Penguin magazine, the sticker packs will connect to the virtual world. Every pack comes with a unique code and while most will unlock coins to use in the virtual world, a select number of special sticker packs will bear a code that will give access to Club Penguin’s Treasure Book where fans can select one item from a range which includes clothing, puffles and more coins.

Launched in October 2005, Club Penguin has seen more than 175 million registered users pass through the site. With its imaginative play environment, word filtering technology and live moderation, award-winning Club Penguin has built a solid reputation as a safe and secure online destination that provides fun for kids and peace of mind for parents.


I have two Club Penguin sticker album starter packs – including a sticker album and 3 sticker packs to giveaway.

To enter:

Let me know in a comment below what stickers you collected when you were younger. I loved collecting My Little Pony stickers!

For an extra entry tell others about the competition using the Retweet button below.

Terms and conditions:

The competition closes at midnight on July 13th. The winners will be selected at random from all correct entries received and notified within 28 days of the closing date via their email address or twitter handle. The prize is as stated: no cash alternatives are available. This competition is open to UK and ROI entrants only.

***** The giveaway has now closed and the winners are Rebecca Denyer and Angela Sandhu *****

77 thoughts on “Giveaway: Disney’s Club Penguin sticker album

  1. Linda Tweed

    I collected scratch & sniff stickers 🙂


    Free stickers that came with packs of bubble gum. No themes as such, just different pictures, and as much gum as you could get into your mouth!

  3. angela sandhu

    I was also obsessed with My Little Pony, but also Care Bears. It was brilliant because my parents used to have a newsagents and i used to be able to get the stickers whenever i wanted!

  4. Tracy Nixon

    I collected The Garbage Pail Kids stickers yeah!

  5. Stephanie Tsang

    I remember collecting Neighbours stickers.
    I have tweeted (@pookybearcheung)

  6. Katarzyna Lewandowska

    I was obsessed with Barbie stickers 😀

  7. Sarah Morris

    I am so old I have forgotten what theme I used to have for my sticker books, I remember my brother collecting football stickers though, I used to love books with stickers you could stick onto prepared pages in order to make pictures.. I was easily pleased!
    Tweeted as @smorris_cm.

  8. claire hooper

    football stickers, i was obsessed!

  9. jennie jackson

    I had an East 17 sticker album and was obsessed!

  10. Hel Jones

    I dont remember there being many stickers around for girls. My Dad tried to get me to collect football stickers when it was a world cup – but I wasn’t interested! Sorry Dad!

  11. Denice

    I used to love collecting the stickers out of the bubble gums

  12. olivia kirby

    All Disney albums, My Little Pony (that was a small sized one), WWF (the wildlife thing not wrestling), Wuzzles, Popples, Little Miss Petticoat, Care Bears, Smash Hits…and so on!

  13. Lynsey Buchanan

    I collected the Cabbage patchdoll cards and traded with friends – i never collected stickers

  14. lindsay

    has to be football stickers, my dad was pbsessed with me collecting them and forcing me to watch football when i wanted to put on makeup and play with dolls, so i would watch the football if my dad let me do his makeup lol!!! i think my dad just wanted to collect the stcikers and sticker album and didnt want anyone to know!!!

  15. Maggie

    Collected stickers from bubblegum packs but I don’ t remember a tea. Also collected PG Tips Cards which had loads of themes often nature eg birds butterflies etc

  16. Deborah Davies

    I collected carebear ones, i remember going to lots of petrol stations/newsagents and actually filling it. it was in my mum and dads loft until they moved a few years ago. Really wished i still had it, wonder if it would have been worth anything lol

  17. Susanne Temlett

    Care Bears (so sweet!) and Garbage Pail Kids (so revolting!), and when I was good, I was very very good, and when I was bad I was horrid, lol

  18. lisa williams

    As a child i can remember collecting the stickers to the nowdays classic film “Annie”

  19. Mickie Bull

    Foot ball Stickers – Merlin’s Premier League…97-98? I think… 🙂

  20. Lucy robinson

    Cabbage patch doll stickers for me too.

  21. Melissa Gazi

    I just liked cute stickers with animals on 🙂

  22. Cyra Bellamy

    I remember collecting Smash Hits stickers, Beano and Garbage Pail Kids!

  23. Solange

    I collected The Garbage Pail Kids stickers

  24. Jenny

    I collected stickers that had my name on them!

  25. emma walters

    also collected my little pony, was very proud of myself when i finished it, think my mum was just relieved lol

  26. Emma Jackson

    I collected scooby doo cards, I still have them 🙂

  27. Yvonne Brownsea

    I was a complete tomboy when I was little, so I used to always collect football and wrestling stickers. I completed numerous albums of them.

    My son loves Club Penguin, so fingers crossed!

    I’ve also tweeted as @XFilesFanaticus

  28. Ben29682

    Pokemon, yugi oh, Club penguin card jistu cards!

  29. Kim

    I collected football stickers, and at school we would either swap or play flicking up against the wall. Whoever got the closest to the wall won. Obviously the more players the more cards we won – I loved it.

  30. Paula Phillips

    I collected football stickers just because everyone else did, I didn’t even like football.

  31. Alison

    I used to collected football stickers. Don’t think there were many girly stickers in my day. Have retweeted the competiton @dazs_princess

  32. san

    i collected football stickers. Have also RT @sausage666

  33. Cathy

    I used to collect the PG tips cards my Nan used to save them for me….. aahhhh those were the days


    Stickers weren’t around when I was a child ;0) I did collect football cards, birds, wild flowers from packets of tea and cigarette packets.

  35. Emma Smith

    I used to collect Garbage Pail Kids stickers


    Also Garbage Pail Kids stickers for me..they were awful though ewwwww


    i remember collecting alsorts, i had pop ones, biker mice from mars (i cant believe i admitted that), football and tazos and probably plenty of other things ive forgotten about.

  38. Alice Hindley

    Didn’t collect stickers but did collect Man From Uncle cards and Bazooka bubble gums comics

  39. katherine grieve

    I collected garbage pail kids stickers and cards!

  40. sandie a

    I remember the cards that used to come in tea bags, would save them but then they would change them before I ever collected a full set 🙁
    retweeting @minerva12345

  41. Heather Simpson

    I had a care bears sticker book and stickers.

  42. Claire

    I think I was just happy to get ANY stickers when I was a kid, but especially if they were sparkly! I loved unicorns, flowers, fairies, cute animals, butterflies and I remember sticking them all around my wooden bed (but I don’t think I was meant to!).

  43. kerry Locke

    I used to have a huge collection of those little cards you got in the packets of candy fags you used to get – My god can you imagine your little kids walking around chewing those now !!!

  44. Catwoman The Geek

    I used to collect Take That Stickers!!!! Also X files trading cards

  45. Lisa Wilkinson

    I collect The Simpsons cards. On the back of each card was a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. I remember being over the moon when I completed it.

  46. Anne McCutcheon

    There weren’t any stickers when I was a child, but I did collect scraps (which were pictures of fairies) which we placed inside the pages of books.

  47. Lani Nash

    I was addicted to collecting football stickers when I was younger. I had a great sticker book collection which I sadly lost in a house fire a few years back

  48. ChrisIan Brown

    Panini football cards, used to trade them in the school playground

  49. Shane Abbott

    All about wrsetling stickers as a kid – known as WWF back then – always remember my fav one being Doink the Clown.. Those were the days !


    I used to collect loony toon stickers

  51. Rebecca Denyer

    I had two brothers and all male cousins so used to collect football stickers with them, luckily my mum and aunties all worked as a cash and carry so they used to buy a few boxes and we would get given packets for chores, good schoolwork etc

  52. emma louise jenkinson

    i remember having a batman sticker album 🙂

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