Sand pit fun!

By | April 18, 2013

It was windy this morning but that didn’t stop us spending time at the playground after BabyBeeps (I thought we had attended our last class but I was clearly wrong!).


Little Sis enjoyed the swings but Big Brother had his eye on the sand pit. I can’t quite believe he’s in the sand pit wearing a coat, hat and shoes but it was pretty chilly. Roll on summer and crocs!

3 thoughts on “Sand pit fun!

  1. Nanny

    Roll on summer indeed – but BB isn’t going to let a it of cool weather stop him……. ……xxxxx

  2. Liska (@NewMumOnline)

    Such very mixed weather at the moment.
    We spent the whole day outdoors on Saturday and Aaron was just in a hoodie, no need for a jacket and then yesterday was back to a hoodie AND jacket.
    Such a mixed back of weather.
    PLUS, what I KEEP seeing is Autumn leaves on the ground – WHAT is that about? 🙁
    Liska xx
    Liska (@NewMumOnline) recently posted..Anniversary of Stephen Lawrence’s DeathMy Profile


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