5 Holiday Shopping Tips For Mums

By | October 18, 2013

For any mother, the process of preparing for Christmas is a busy and involved process that ultimately is just as important as the holiday itself. We all love decorating a bit for the holidays, and preparing some special meals along the way. But with children in the picture, it’s important to create pleasant, enjoyable holiday experiences that can spark lasting traditions or simply provide beautiful memories as your kids grow up – and a lot of it has to do with shopping. So, from picking out decorations and gifts, to stocking the home with delicious foods, here are 5 tips for holiday shopping for a busy mum!

ChristmasShopping11. Take Your Kids Tree Shopping

If yours is a family that still purchases a real Christmas tree for the house, involve your children in the process! Swing by Starbucks for a hot chocolate and visit the Christmas tree lot together, and your young children will almost certainly be delighted. Plus, you can start to teach them what to look for in a good Christmas tree!

2. Buy An Advent Calendar

Kids get incredibly excited in the month leading up to Christmas, and sometimes their excitement – while adorable – can become a bit stressful for parents. An Advent Calendar, in addition to being a lovely tradition, is a great way to give your kids something to look forward to each day (opening a new day’s compartment on the calendar, that is), rather than waiting impatiently for Christmas to arrive.

3. Pick Out Ready-Made Treats

It’s always nice to have some sweet treats around the house for the holiday season, but baking cookies or shopping for individual items is a serious drain on your time. One great way to get around this problem is through the Marks and Spencer Christmas hampers, which come in all shapes and sizes, with various contents. They’re generally thought of as gifts (and that works great too), but buying a few for your own family to enjoy throughout the holiday season is always nice.

4. Buy Your Kids’ Gifts Early

Depending on your children’s ages, they may have some very popularly desired items on their lists, which can be tricky if you wait too long. We all know the nightmare Christmas scenario of rushing all over town trying to find the hottest toy on the market only to find it’s sold out! This is usually only an issue with poplar kids’ gifts, so do your shopping for your children as early as possible.

5. Teach Your Kids To Shop

Finally, you can always consider the future when you’re shopping for Christmas, and that means teaching your children the ropes! The sooner they’re able to do their own shopping, the less you’ll have on your plate in the years to come. Of course, young children aren’t expected to do shopping or give gifts, but even including them in the process, and giving them fun little “tasks” to accomplish around the mall, can be a start.

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