We love to visit National Trust properties so were excited to spend the morning visiting A La Ronde as it’s a place I’ve wanted to visit ever since reading about it in the National Trust guide book decades ago. It certainly didn’t disappoint even though it was covered it scaffolding.
- A la Ronde
- Time for a tea break
- A clue!
- Running through the grounds
- Easter Egg Hunt finished
The sixteen-sided house was designed by two spinster cousins, Jane and Mary Parminter, on their return from a grand tour of Europe in the late 18th century. It includes some of the treasures they collected on their travels, an interesting a feather frieze and a shell-encrusted gallery which is unfortunately too fragile to visit.
The house is amazing, I loved the way it had been originally laid out to make the most of the sun, such a shame that the Victorians came along and ‘modernised’ it.
We took part in the Cadbury-sponsored Easter Egg Trail around the garden which was fun and the children were very happy to take home two large Easter eggs as a reward.