Today I received my son’s glowing Nursery report. I couldn’t be more pleased with his progress over this academic year. His teacher said she had no worries about him starting Reception in September which was a huge relief. Many Scientists believe that over the course of the summer holidays, children experience ‘Summer Learning Loss’, the loss in academic skills and knowledge which can be estimated to be equal to 30 days of school learning. With this in mind I have signed my 4 year old up to take part in the Summer With Gold Stars Challenge.
As regular readers will know I’m a Parragon Book Buddy and at BritMums Live I was given a Gold Stars Starting Maths book with the idea of completing a page a day for 30 days over the summer. Gold Stars is the Parragon Books’ premium range of educational activity workbooks, designed to reflect the National Curriculum. Parragon is encouraging children to complete a page a day of their Gold Stars book for 30 days which will help boost their classroom confidence. Repetition leads to familiarity and comprehension, helping parents apply the idea of little and often to maintain interest and build ability.
Every child that successfully completes 30 pages of their Gold Stars book will receive a congratulatory letter and personalised certificate via email. You too can pledge your child’s participation on any of their social media channels using the hashtag #SummerWithGoldStars. You can find them @parragonbooks on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest.