Leaf rubbings garland

By | September 17, 2014

After the 4 year old has finished Reception I set out an Autumnal invitation to play. There were sheets of paper, a collection of leaves and crayons.

leaf rubbingI watched him draw the leaves, draw his own leaves and make rubbings of them, using all the different colours he’s seen on our walk from school.

leaf rubbingI helped him cut round each one, then he used a hole punch to make a hole at the top of each one. We threaded them on to a piece of string so we could hang our leaf rubbings garland up.

leaf rubbingHe decided it would look it better it we added the apple sun catchers we made the other day, I think I agree.

leaf rubbings garland

9 thoughts on “Leaf rubbings garland

  1. Pingback: 10 Autumn nature crafts for kids (and a $500 giveaway) | the-gingerbread-house.co.uk

  2. Liska @NewMumOnline

    As you know, we don’t do craft at all but this looks like something even we could do. Really lovely. Is there enough of a grain to come through, or does the paper need to be really thin?
    Where did this “invitation to play” phrase come from? In recent weeks I just keep hearing it everywhere, but literally only lately.
    Liska @NewMumOnline recently posted..To The Younger MeMy Profile


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