This morning we headed out to Wendover Woods. As part of the 10th anniversary of The Gruffalo’s Child the Forestry Commission are running self-led activity trails, you may remember we walked the Gruffalo Trail earlier this year.
As soon as the children saw the signs they were excited!
We watched the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo’s Child the night before to refresh our memories of the story and characters.
This is Little Sis’s version of thumbs up, it took her a while to get it, but you can see she was super happy to be running around the woods.
There were huge images of the main characters hidden amongst the trees and signs with things to look out for and activities to do. We played in the den building area again and the children walked along fallen trees. The huge Gruffalo sculpture was at the end of the trail, looking slightly worse for wear since our last visit.
Cold but happy we headed for the cafe in the woods for a yummy lunch.
Aww, happy children. These Gruffalo trails are a fantastic idea aren’t they 🙂
Aw, gorgeous photos. It really looks like everyone had a great time in the woods hunting for the Gruffalo.
Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids
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