Our family day in Bruges

By | June 24, 2016

We woke up this morning to find ourselves in Zeebruges with an exciting day trip to Bruges before us. After breakfast we boarded our coach for the short journey to Bruges. As we left the coach we were all given a small box of Belgian chocolates, someone ate theirs straight away.


Then it was a short walk to the centre of Bruges, stopping to admire all the beautiful views.


Our first chocolate shop!

Belgian chocolate shop

By this point the children needed the loo so we stopped for a proper hot chocolate.

a real Belgian hot chocolate

Then walked around Bruges, taking an obligatory ride on a canal boat and a carriage ride too.

Belgian carriage ride

We had chips and mayonnaise for lunch. There was a proper Belgian waffle too.

Belgian waffle

By this point we were pretty tired so headed back to our meeting point and the ship. Family selfie before dinner!


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