Category Archives: playing

Playing games

Today was pretty hot (again). For some reason I decided it would be a good idea to teach the children how to play Snap. Little Sis was just excited as we were playing with Peppa Pig cards. Big Brother got it straight away. Needless to say he kept on winning.

Tuff spot play

We’ve had a tuff spot for a while now. Both children love to use it and it’s seen Lego, dolls, Playmobil, cars and just about every toy they own at some point. It’s usually full of Big Brother’s toys so when Little Sis spotted it outside full of rain water she jumped right in, literally.… Read More »

Play time!

Little Sis and I enjoyed a quiet afternoon whilst Big Brother was at nursery. She was recently given a remote control Thomas and she’s been enjoying playing with it. Her vantage point was the sofa which meant she was unable, lazy, didn’t want to get down to pick Thomas up when he fell on his… Read More »