Category Archives: recipe

Gingerbread for toddlers

I like to think that one of the toddler’s first words was gingerbread but he’s actually only learned it recently. It’s a firm family favourite and when I presented the toddler with a plate of dinosaur gingerbread biscuits earlier he immediately exclaimed “Gingerbread!” I thought I would share my recipe for never-fail gingerbread. Makes 20… Read More »

Recipe for tomato soup

We’ve had a lot of fun cooking so far this week due to the food we picked at the weekend. We’re not big soup eaters/drinkers but it was the only thing I could think of faced with so many tomatoes! Recipe for tomato soup: 1 onion 300g tomatoes 20g butter 1 big squidge of garlic… Read More »

Best toddler fish pie recipe

Edward has a healthy appetite most of the time (we’ll ignore lunchtimes) and today we ventured out to Mothercare to buy some better bibs. You see he is a very messy eater and I do enough washing so thought that bibs with an attached crumb catcher would help. Me and my sister had these so… Read More »