Finkley Down Farm

By | August 24, 2014

So today we spent the day with some friends at Finkley Down Farm in Hampshire. There were farm animals, indoor and outdoor play areas.

There were cute bunnies I really wanted to handle, but Little Sis so obviously didn’t.


There was pony grooming which I really wanted to do, but Little Sis had no interest in.


Fortunately there was lots of other stuff to do which she did want to do. They both enjoyed playing on the tractors and ride on toys.


After lunch we explored the indoor play areas. The children were in heaven and explored each of the 5 areas in turn. They both loved the Construction Zone which featured large Lego blocks 🙂


They ran around for hours (which is always a good thing) and had fun in the ball cannon area and playzone. I think we were there for 6 hours and didn’t manage to see everything!

4 thoughts on “Finkley Down Farm

  1. Nanny

    Great idea to involve BB and LS in compiling it – it will be fun to look back on when they’re older xxxxx

  2. Nanny

    Soory, first comment was meant to be on the Holiday Book page 🙂

    This was great day out, and I’m sure LS will get braver . I bet BB had a fantastic time with so many things to do xxxxxxx

  3. Pingback: Back to school: lunchbox ideas |

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