We were recently sent some products from the Crazy Soap range to try out at bath-time. Now bath time in our house is never dull, Big Brother loves the water, although most of it ends up on the floor of the bathroom! The Crazy Soap range is great for bathtime fun for happy bathers and equally, temptation for reluctant bathers.
The product range includes:
- Crazy Soap Foam (£2) is soap in a can that can be squirted, moulded and bounced into any shape. Get everyone to use their imagination and try animals and funny shapes before using it to get squeaky clean.
- Crazy Soap Paint (£2.49 red or blue) is a soap that’s a paint and it’s available in blue or red. Try painting one hand blue and one hand red and then rub together to make purple before washing off to reveal clean skin underneath.
- Crazy Soap Bath Goo (£2.99) is soap that looks like yellow goo. Scoop it and squidge it under running water and turn it into fruity fragranced bubbles for bath time fun that cleans kids as they play.
We tried all the products at bathtime and our favourite was the Crazy Soap Foam as you can see from his face! He quickly got the hang of the other products too and they definitely livened up bathtime and left his skin smelling sweet too.
The range is for children aged 3+ under adult supervision. Available from Tesco, Morrisons and Lloyds Health Village.
I have 5 sets of Crazy Soap to giveaway to readers of baby kearney (each set comprising 1 x foam, 1 x goo, 1 x paint).
To enter
Simply tell me your children’s favourite bathtime toy or game.
For an extra entry share the competition with your friends using the Retweet button below.
The giveaway will end at midnight on the 9th March. The winners will be chosen randomly and contacted using the email address or twitter name provided. If any of the winners do not reply within 3 days the competition will be redrawn. Please note this competition is open to UK entries only. One entry per person.
My little ones are 2 and 1 and they just like getting every bath toy/cup/lid imaginable in with them then one by one chuck them out, bringing most of the water with them!
i have tweeted as @olivia280177
my childs favorite bath toys are the plastic ducks they love them
My daughter wears her googles and loves to search under the water for imaginary fish and treasure. A mermaid in the making!
My little girl’s current favourite bath toy is her Tomy Splashy the Penguin Bath Toy!!!
I have tweeted! @tracyknixon
he likes to play with a pirate ship but swaps its easily for emptying my expensive shampoos in the bath and using the then empty bottle to squirt water up high – saying look its like a whales blow hole!! ha!
My little boy has had loads of different bath toys but he still insists that he wants empty bottles in the bath to fill up and pour out lol
My little boy’s favourite toy is the water itself – splsh, splash all over!
My little girl has a watering can which she loves in the bath @esthermate
retweeted @esthermate
My daughter is 17 months old and loves bathtimes. Her favourite game is getting the shower head down and putting the water onto her feet. She loves being pampered and her feet being massaged haha. The first thing she says when she gets in the bath is ‘shower’ and then of course we have to wash Peppa Pig as well
I have also tweeted on twitter and followed you
willow loves playing with her Barbies in the bath pretending the bath is a swimming pool xx
Alexis love her ducks , when we drop them in the water and they splash
My son prefers the bath as it is emptying and likes sliding up and down the bath.
Love the crazy soap, it sounds fabulous. My daughter’s favourite bath toy is a swimming frog, she laughs out so loudly every time he swims round the bath and it keeps her so amused while she gets her hair washed (she so dislikes having her hair washed).
plastic ducks
Anything floaty – ducks, hippos, etc.
my childs favorite bath toys are the plastic ducks and fishes they love them
my daughter had a princess tea set in the bath and a few plastic cakes, she enjoys making her dad and me a nice cup of bubbly drink and serving us cakes.
my little one has a wind up boat that zooms across the bath water, tons of fun!
My daughter likes to squish suds into the wide end of a funnel and watch them shoot up from the narrow end. Bit messy, but loads of fun
my childrens favourite bth time toy are the bath crayons they just love to make a mess then wash it all of
Wow you have reviewed them quick – we only got ours on Friday – will review at some point this weekend.
Liska x
Edward LOVES them. Have to stock up more for him!
My girls love having 2 cups in the bath and a jug to make me drinks from their cafe and they like putting cream (bubbles) on top of my drink.
the classic rubber duck. got a set of 3, I uses them all the time *-.-
my kids like playing eye spy in the bath! Also just tipping cups of water and singing and generally splashing about!
i have tweeted as @ashlallan
Three little rubber ducks he’s christened Cai (his name), Ellie (his friend from nursery’s name) and Nostril – no idea why Nostril was the name of the third!!
We have got these rubber ducks that flash different colours when they are in the water. Kids love them and also good for adults to relax in the bath instead of candles
Favourite game is pretending to be a whale…….but loves being read a story whilst in the bath
My 2 boys have a large blue plastic jug and they count how many other small toys they will get in it before it tips into the bath or sinks. The boy who guessed nearest then fills the jug and tips it over the other!
Tweeted as pinktash4 x
My little girl loves taking a dolly in the bath with her and bathing the doll and washing her hair as I wash and clean her – makes life so much easier too !! x
Five little ducks went swimming
Tweeted too
my daughter likes her wind up frog in the bath
her favourite toy is the jug i use to wash her hair! haha
tweeted @kemo_2002
a manchester united rubber duck!
Barbie dolls in the bath or cups and jugs!
me and my little boy play with foam letters to see howmay words we can make its very fun and alot of laughter from the bathroom
My son loves using old bottles to spray water all over himself and usually us!
my little boys love playing with boyfriends shaving foam rather than the dozens of bath toys they should actually be playing with!!!!!
My 2 girls are 6 and 7 and love nothing more then taking vast amounts of dolls into the bath with them, to play with and wash, there other favorite thing for the bath is empty bottles, preferably with squirty lids, xx
have tweeted too @tracygrant3
My girls like to clean all their dolls whilst in the bath.
Have tweeted as @MummyBee81
My boys love to play with bath crayons and a water flute!
My little boy loves playing with his yellow plastic ducks.
My son is happiest with just bubbles in his bath and nothing else!
Retweeted @girlybags
My 2 love filling up little pots of water and tipping one in to another – it keeps them occupied for ages – until the water goes cold!!
I have bought some quite expensive bath toys, but my kids always prefer plastic cups, pans, a colander and holey spoons. Kept them happy for hours !
They love playing tea parties with their cups and tea pot
Tweeted @pipersky1
I ‘ve have tweeted.
Rubber ducks
My grandson loves playing with his washing machine which sticks on the side of the bath and washes little “clothes”!
My kids favourite bath toys??? MY Favourite bath toys please. I returned to work when my first baby was 6 weeks old – my husband lost his job. At the end of my first week back, I stopped at a shop and bought a Mummy Duck, with Two Babies. -My Baby is 21 this year, and those Duckies are still sitting on the bath, and my companions when I get in. Those duckies, have lived in 3 different house, sat on three different baths, and been our companions.
my little boy likes to pretend he is swimming in the sea. one day the waves got too high and he flooded the bath and it leaked through into the dinning room!!!
My girls love using crazy soap and rinsing it off with their watering cans!
Paige loves anything that she can throw in the bath & make a mess!!
Re-tweeted @baggiesbabe69
My little ones love playing with the bath crayons, they make a mess but worth it!
I have tweeted
Tweeted @yeolderockchick
A little wee boat his grandad got him
have tweeted @gemkats
my little girl loves her baby bethany doll to take in the bath with her.
My little girl loves playing with her dolls in the bath, Pretending that they are swimming with her. she even washes their hair when i wash her hair which makes bath time alot easier
Mylittle girl loves taking her barbies in the bath shes so small she pretneds she is swimming and the barbies are swimming with her. They even have their own costumes. When i was her hair she washes her barbies hair which really helps me out as she doesnt moan as much
my kids love playing with a bath fishing game we got from the early learning centre
also retweeted @suecarnall
My daughter loves just water and bubbles and likes to pretend to swim from one end of the bath to the other…..Scares the life out of me but she’s never ended up under the water yet.
I have tweeted as @kimmer2111
My kids love to play snow world, with all the bubbles
My son has created a total wipeout course in the bath. A Playmobile man launches himself from the mixer tap to the “big red balls” (empty bottles in the bath), swims and then climbs up to the other end of the bath!
Retweeted as Belle7268
My child loves being in the bath with his bubble machine
we have the plastic teaset in there with us and pretend to make milkshakes with foam on top added a bit of shampoo for colouring they love it x
My two boys love playing with the bubbles and covering themselves in them!
My daughter loves playing with her tea set in the bath.
Tweeted @esthermate
My wee boy and girl love playing with their bath basketball. Of course the thing they love the most about it is that the balls are squeezy so they can fill them with water and squirt them at each other…..and all up my bathroom walls!
Me and my little boy play Peter Pan with Captin Hook Duck and Peter Pan duck!
I have retweeted too!
Foam Letters
My two girls love “swimming” in the bath.
Those letters that stick to the tiles
his small bath ducks
tweeted @joanna_kow
He loves it when hes in bath and Daddy in shower and immitating his daddy getting washed
have tweeted @bbdiva1977
My little two love it when i throw up the rubber duck into the aire shout “quack quack” and then it lands and splashes them both……lol
my daughter loves nothing better than having a splish splash with her colourful ducks x
The two rubber ducks in the bath seem to bring no end of fun for my wee one
My grandsons love ..an old shampoo bottle so they can squirt water and two plastic cups…
My son loves taking his lego into the bath. He spends ages making up games and often you can hear “DONT FALL INTO THE RIVER!” or “SHARKS!!!”
My kids love playing with ducks in bath!!
Maxx’s favourite bath time toy is his ducks. He loves racing them around the bath and aparently they jump onto the floor all by themselves lol.
Tweeted too: loulindylou
My daughter LOVES her octopus which fills the bathroom with bubbles. She has loads of fun trying to catch & eat the bubbles & the octopus has a little piano on it so she can press buttons and make a noise whilst enjoying her bath. She loves sponges too, likes to put them under the water then lift them up and launch them at me & her daddy!
Tweeting as @samanthagavin
Forget toys, an empty bottle of cheap washing up liquid, the type that can easily squeezed, lots of squirting fun and games.
We picked up a cheap kitchen set before going on hols last year – it has a couple of pans, sieve, spoon, ladle and spatula. It was fab on holiday as she played with it at the beach, in the garden and in the pool but now we are home it is her favourite bath toy. £2.50 well spent!
I have retweeted (@rugbylovingmum)
My Son enjoys his swimming action man
tweeted @paroteez
Definitely rubber ducks, a classic but so much fun!
I’ve Tweeted – @samanthawesley
An Imaginext Submarine
Tweeted @ericahughes
My son just loves to have a few empty bottles in his bath, keeps him amused for ages! Especially if its one that he can squirt water out of!
I have tweeted!
Hi, my 1 and 3 year old daughters love playing with their plastic teaset in the shower!
I have tweeted! (@emmathebradshaw)
My 8 month old loves splashing, everywhere!!
For months my little one would ignore every bath toy we purchased, instead remained fixated on an empty bottle of ‘Nivea Happy Time’…… ironically named!
My wee girl loves to play mermaids with some wee mermaid dolls she has.
My son loves foam letters to play with when hes in the bath x
Tweeted as beclee09 too x
buzz lightyear
any old shampoo bottles as long as it it is easy to pour over Dad or the floor!
My son loves doing a ‘water dance’ and wetting my bathroom through!!
my little one loves his winnie the pooh toy and his rubber ducks in the bath. he has to have lots of bubbles too
The kids best bath toy is simply an empty shampoo bottle – keeps them amused until they go wrinkly
For my girls its the tea set that goes in the bath with them.
My daughters love squirty fish,its an old plastic fish that squirts water and they love having it squrted at them in the bath
my niece likes playing her water toys that she has had for a coupleof year. they stick on the bath pour water in the top and watch the wheels spin. she would love some awesome soaps x
My toddler got a musical bath set for Christmas and she loves the xylophone. It breaks in to pieces and goes back together like a jigsaw so has loads of play value.
my son has a life boat he loves to play with in the bath – it goes on lots of important missions!
My son loves a plastic cup and a couple of spoons, plus the ends of bottles of shampoo and bubble bath so that he can make potions and magic mixtures.
My son loves his letters in the bath! Although the bigger he gets the ummm more ‘interesting’ the words are becoming
my twins love a wind up frog that swims in the bath, only cost a pound from the poundshop , was a great find