Big Brother was sent some delicious new snacks to try from Ella’s Kitchen – the brand new Munchy Biccies range!
As you can see he’s really been enjoying the cinnamon + oranges flavour and he’s looking forward to trying the cheese + apples and banana flavours too! Just as you would expect from Ella’s Kitchen the biscuits have 100% organic ingredients with no concentrates or refined sugars. The snack pack is the perfect size for a little snack and great for keeping in mummy’s handbag!
Munchy Biccies RRP £1.79 from Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Asda.
….always the willing guinea-pig, bless him………
He had a cup of tea for the first time today too! Only spilt half of it in his bib
Welcome to the tea-swilling Young clan, BB………….xxx