I really wanted to take part in the #PGRaisingOlympians Celebrate Their Success Linky, sponsored by P&G. However, we’re not a remotely sporty family, unless you count playing in the garden, going for a scoot on the Micro Scooter, running around the park or swimming in grandad’s pool.
After writing that I feel perhaps we are a little more sporty than I thought we were We’re going to the Olympics on Sunday, not because we love sport but to be a part of London 2012 which is taking part on our doorstep.
If the toddler wants to take up synchronized swimming I won’t discourage him but I want him to experience the excitement of the Olympics for himself. He may well be too young but at least we can tell him about our day out when he’s older.
Anyway, back to how we celebrate our children’s success – they seem too young to be having success, other than sleeping through the night, or weaning themselves off dummies! I would like to encourage them to push themselves and really hope they will be passionate about something, sporty, musical or otherwise. I will teach them to find something they truly love, but I will also teach them that’s it’s ok to just be themselves. Someone has to stay at home, watch all those Olympians and cheer them on!
This is my favourite video showing a mum of an Olympian talk about her son:
This is my entry for the #PGRaisingOlympians Celebrate Their Success Linky, sponsored by P&G.
Our brave Little Man………..xxxxx
Lovely video of Ben’s mum,,,,,what amazing characters they are……