Worry your child prefers your iPad over a book? You must read this book! The perfect fairytale for the digital age.
A playful exchange between an uninformed young donkey and a book-loving young ape brings Lane Smith’s bestselling It’s a Book to an even younger audience. With the same subversive, signature Lane Smith twist, this satisfying and perfectly executed board book, perfect for small hands, has something to say to children and adults alike, about the importance and joy of reading.
I have one copy of It’s a Little Book to giveaway to one reader of treading on lego. To win simply leave me a comment and tell me the two characters which feature in the book.
For an extra entry follow treading on lego on google+ or Bloglovin’
Small print:
The prize consists of one copy of It’s a Little Book. The giveaway ends June 9th at 8pm. The winner will be selected at random from all correct entries received and notified by email or their twitter handle. The prize is as stated: no cash alternatives are available. This competition is open to UK and ROI entrants only.
The winner is Stephanie Lovatt
A young donkey and a book-loving young ape
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Donkey & ape
Answer: donkey and ape
Donkey & ape
Donkey & Ape
Donkey and Ape.
a donkey and ape
Donkey & Ape
Donkey & Ape
Donkey & Ape
A young donkey and a book-loving ape.
A Donkey and an Ape
A young donkey and a book-loving young ape
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donky and ape
Donkey and Ape
Donkey and Ape
donkey and ape
Donkey and Ape
Answer ~ a donkey and an ape
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Answer ~ a donkey and an ape
Donkey & ape
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Stephanie A recently posted..Birthday Goodies, Fabric from Vacation & a Sneak Peak
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Donkey and Ape
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Answer: donkey and ape
donkey & ape
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Donkey and Ape
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Donkey and Ape
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A young donkey and a book-loving young ape
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donkey and ape!
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Donkey and ape
donkey and ape
Donkey & Ape
Answer: donkey and ape
Donkey & ape
a donkey and an ape
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Donkey & ape
A donkey and an ape
Donkey & Ape
Answer: donkey and ape
Donkey & Ape
Donkey & Ape
Donkey and Ape
Donkey & Ape
Donkey and Ape
donkey and ape
Donkey & Ape
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Donkey and ape
Donkey and Ape
Donkey and Ape
Donkey and Ape
donkey and ape
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Donkey and ape
Donkey and Ape
They are Donkey and Ape.
Donkey and ape
donkey and ape
Donkey & Ape
donkey and ape
Donkey and Ape
Donkey & Ape
Donkey & Ape
donkey and ape
donkey and ape
Donkey & Ape
donkey & ape
Donkey & Ape
Donkey and Ape.
Donkey and Ape.
Donkey and Ape
Donkey and Ape
Donkey and Ape :}
Donkey and Ape
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Donkey and Ape
Donkey & Ape