My children were sent a selection of Woolly and Tig books to review. They are huge Woolly and Tig fans so you can imagine how delighted they were to open a package of books just for them.
There were 2 books: Woolly at Nursery and I Love Mummy, as well as a My Wipe-Clean Activity Book. My 3 year old immediately grabbed the activity book. We’ve had a couple of wipe clean books before and he really enjoys them.
He was happy to sit with me for half an hour looking at each activity, writing on the pages and then wiping them off and starting over again.
The activities were pitched just right as he could complete most of them with a little help but there are a few he couldn’t yet do. His younger sister was also happy to take a look but she was just happy to scribble and wipe clean
We also received the two story books:
Woolly at Nursery – Woolly and Tig love going to nursery – there’s so many fun things to do! But when another little boy accidentally bumps into Tig, her tummy feels funny and she wants to go home. Can Woolly show Tig that if she shares her worries with the teacher, her funny tummy will go away?
I Love Mummy – I love Mummy and Mummy loves me, we’ve been together since I was wee! Join Woolly as he shows Tig all the wonderful things that Mummy does every day to make them both feel safe and happy. But sometimes Mummy needs help if she’s busy or feeling worried. Luckily, Woolly cam show Tig all the things they can do to help Mummy and make her smile!
My children love watching Woolly and Tig on CBeebies, they are able to identify with their adventures and the show is great for helping them deal with any worries they have about new experiences. The Woolly at Nursery book has some helpful suggestions at the end of the book for talking about nursery with your child. The I Love Mummy book contains reading reward stickers and a QR code to listen to an exclusive Woolly song.