My children love to be busy which is good as today we barely sat down. I drove to two new places today which was scary but exciting!
In between trips out Big Brother really wanted to do some painting. I let him choose what he wanted to do and he decided to use some large sheets of cardboard and chunky Lego bricks. I gave him a paint tray and he chose the colours he wanted to use. He started off printing with the Lego bricks, then he printed with the sides.
He had lots of fun, mixing the colours and making shapes. Eventually he couldn’t resist and started using his fingers, then his hands!
He got very messy but had a lovely time.
This is what happened to the second piece of cardboard. It may look like he just painted it with brown paint but it took him ages (and he used lots of different colours). We had to leave it to dry as he wants to add more to it tomorrow!
What lovely messy play for BB………..xxxx
This is a fun idea! We tried painting with building blocks too, and my toddler loved it. Love your blog name