The 4 year is obsessed with Lego at the moment. He’s at the in between stage, stuck between Lego Duplo and Lego which means we have a *lot* of Lego around. We put our Lego instruction booklets into a plastic folder so he could flick through them all and choose what he wanted to make. We’ve had so many new sets over the last few weeks it really needed sorting out so we bought each of the children their own folder.
Big Brother set to work making it clear which folder was his.
Then we sat down and sorted through all our instructions, making sure they were in some kind of order and each in their own pocket.
Hopefully this will make it easier for him to find the right instructions when he wants to build something.
Have you tried the Lego Juniors? My little boy (age 4 Reception ) isnt quite ready for proper Lego yet but the Lego Juniors has really simple instructions and I find with help from Mum and Dad its a great step in between!